Apologies this is posted twice and neither will delete! Nearly the end of the month, however here is the September Pottacast, once again a side A and B.
Getting straight to business with Canon Blue [itunes and emusic]and 'Odds and Ends'. Ignore the rather sixth form ramblings on last.fm about him. See what I mean? I'm sure I've read he is from Nashville, but the more I think about it, the more I think that can't be true. He sounds as far removed as an artist from Nashville, in my mind at least should sound.
'Is there a ghost' has been heavily blogged. I'm not a big Band of Horses fan. Having said that I think this a fine single and there is always one stunning track on each of their records ('Weed Party' on the last). Find them here at itunes.
The Galactic record is incredibly good leftfield Hip-Hop. Tragically, I'm a big fan of 'outros' and the Bonobo version of Alice Rusell's 'Mirror-Mirror...' has one that produced a satisfying nod from me at least.
Caribou [emusic], Banhart [itunes], Damien Jurado [itunes] and Iron and Wine [itunes] don't need much of an intro. The latters track has a astrange dub feel to it, hence the lead into Ticklah. He has some great honky dub on his side that is well worth hunting out. The Maria Hansen record is beautiful and Akron, odd as usual. The track here is probably the most straightforward. Nothing as good on this album though as their last.
Listen/Download Side A:
Odds And Ends - Canon Blue 3:30
Is There a Ghost - Band Of Horses 3:02
Second and Dryades w/ Big Chief Monk Bourdreaux – Galactic 2:46
Mirror Mirror On the Wolf Tell The Story Right (Bonobo mix) - Alice Russell 5:15
Stones - Caribou 1:54
Saved – Devandra Banhart - 5:33
I Am The Greatest Of All Liars - Damien Jurado 1:38
Wolves (Song of the Shepherd's Dog) - Iron & Wine 4:59
Queen Dub – Ticklah 3:31
All Clear - Maria Hansen 4:28
Ed Is a Portal - Akron/Family 7:31
As Sparks Fly Upward – Devastations 4:03
The Devil - PJ Harvey 2:57
Clear Path To The Future - Davis Redford Triad - 4:13
All the Way Down - Oakley Hall - 5:16
Viva Forever – Jim O'Rourke 6:14
Hymn - Asaf Sirkis The Inner Noise 7:40
The Trees so High - Symphonic Ballad in A minor:: Andante tr - Guildford Philharmonic Choir 4:38
Start To Play - Christian Prommer Remix pt.2 (Piano Mix) - Wagon Cookin' 5:59
Hold Your Secrets To Your Heart - Miracle Fortress 3:35
Theme From The Dead Letter Lounge – The Dead Letter Lounge 1:36
Guildford Philarmonic eh? You can take the boy out of Surrey etc etc...
yeah... reminds me of home, cue the whimsical 'trees so high'...
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